Dr. Ahmet Alp Dr. Ahmet Alp
ولد أحمد ألب في أرزينجان عام 1983، وتخرج بالمركز الأول في مدرسة أرزينجان الثانوية في عام 1999.
Ahmet Alp
ولد أحمد ألب في أرزينجان عام 1983، وتخرج بالمركز الأول في مدرسة أرزينجان الثانوية في عام 1999. بدأ دراسته الجامعية في كلية الطب بجامعة باموكالي، ثم انتقل إلى كلية الطب بجامعة دوكوز إيلول وتخرج فيها، وعين بعد التخرج كممارس عام في مستشفى ولاية أرزينجان.
بعد ذلك، عمل أحمد ألب كطبيبًا مساعدًا في عيادة طب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة في مستشفى حسكي للتدريب والبحوث في الفترة من 2007 حتى 2012، ثم أجرى تخصصه الطبي وعمل لاحقاً كطبيب جراح في مستشفى أيوب الحكومي، ويعمل الآن كأخصائي أنف وأذن وحنجرة في عيادته الخاصة في منطقة نيشانتاشي في إسطنبول.
Dr. Ahmet Alp Dr. Ahmet Alp
Ahmet Alp
المقالات المنشورة في المجلات الدولية المحكمة
Balikci HH, Gurdal MM, Ozkul MH, Karakas M, Uvacin O, Kara N, Alp A, Ozbay I Neck masses: diagnostic analysis of 630 cases in Turkish population Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngology 2013 mart.

Ozbay I, Balıkcı HH, Alp A, Bilman FB Candida infection after tonsillectomy in 12 years old girl International Journal of Pediatric Otorinolaringoloji extra 8(2013), 111-113.

Dr. Ahmet Alp
علاجات أخرى
التعليقات المميزة
Dr. Ahmet Alp
יעד צברי 01/05/2023
Doctor Ahmet's team is amazing! Investors and very professional! And Doctor Ahmet is a real angel! Thank you very much for the service, you are number 1!
اقرأ أكثر
Dr. Ahmet Alp
Валентина Симеонова 05/04/2023
Здравейте! Искам да изкажа своите благодарности от д-р. Ахмет Алп. д-р. Ахмет Алп има изключително коректно отношение, внимание, отзивчивост и професионализъм към пациента! Обслужването от асистентите..
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Dr. Ahmet Alp
Marika Tskvitinidze 16/02/2023
Dr Ahmet Alp is amazing doctor! He is real professional of his work! He has great team! Thanks to Mr Mustafa For all the journey being always polite and responsive to me thanks to driver for safe tran..
اقرأ أكثر
Dr. Ahmet Alp
Maria Osorio 11/02/2023
The most amazing rhinoplasty surgeon EVER! His work and his team are impeccable! Mustafa guided me through the entire process from the moment i inquired info even until now ( 2 weeks post op ) they ar..
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Dr. Ahmet Alp
C*** 18/05/2022
My experience with Dr Ahmet Alp was amazing. I am so happy with my result! It’s a surgery that really change your life! Boost your confidence and the most important part, the breathing. Everythi..
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Dr. Ahmet Alp
I******* 06/06/2022
Hi , I am so happy with the result it’s only 7 days after surgery and it’s waaaaaw a great job from dr Ahmet alp he even told me the nose will look better and smaller after 6 Pontus after ..
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Dr. Ahmet Alp
K*** 10/06/2022
Extremely happy with my results with Dr Alp. Came all the way from Australia. Everything went really well. He has an amazing team and i felt really comfortablebeing so far from home. Still very swolle..
اقرأ أكثر
Dr. Ahmet Alp
N**** 05.07.2022
Dr. Ahmet is very wonderful and his treatment is wonderful, and he is very skilled in his work and knows what to do, I chose him from among many doctors and I thank God my choice was successful. And t..
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Dr. Ahmet Alp
T******* 22/09/2022
Amazing Dr Ahmet Alp! Love my rhinoplasty new nose. I'm still swollen and recovering 3week post op but already loving results. Cast off after 1 week was daunting as I was super swollen especially ..
اقرأ أكثر
Dr. Ahmet Alp
L****** 03/10/2022
I am very happy that I chose Ahmed Alp as my doctor, even though it has only been a month I can already see the desired result. The staff was very attentive and helpful. It was one of my best choices;..
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تابعنا | @dr.ahmetalp
Teşvikiye Mah. Valikonağı Cad, Demirhan Apt. No: 36 Kat: 3, 34365 Nişantaşı, Şişli, İstanbul, Türkiye
+90 536 997 9398
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Dr. Ahmet Alp
Dr. Ahmet Alp
يمكن أن تستجيب في حوالي ساعة واحدة.
Dr. Ahmet Alp
مرحبا، كيف أستطيع مساعدتك؟
Dr. Ahmet Alp
Dr. Ahmet Alp
يمكن أن تستجيب في حوالي ساعة واحدة.
Dr. Ahmet Alp
مرحبا، كيف أستطيع مساعدتك؟